
The Difference Between an Independent Photographer and Big Brand Studio
February 6, 2017

You’re a smart business exec. So of course, you’re going to compare your various options if you want a corporate headshot. The bottom line is that you want to come away with someone who’s going to make you look great. Because a great photo turns more prospects into qualified leads excited to pay your highest prices. That’s the kind of credibility an awesome corporate headshot builds. But you must hire the right person or company to do the...

The Difference Between Traditional and Modern Corporate Headshots
January 5, 2017

Should you have a traditional or modern corporate headshot? It really depends on what your audience values most. That’s where the skills of an experienced corporate headshot photographer come in. While many corporate headshot photographers simply take your picture, more experienced ones can help you think through those ins and outs. While your headshot does feature you, it has to appeal to your audience too. Imagine if you dressed up in your...

How to Choose a Photographer for Corporate Headshots and Events
December 5, 2016

It’s tough choosing any kind of contracted service vendor. You have to do a lot of research and comparison, listen to your gut a little, talk with some other decision makers at work, and then finally make a selection. Hopefully, it all goes well because several people know and will give you praise or criticism, based on the outcome of your decision. When you’re in business, it can also be highly stressful because many decisions involve high...

How to Make Your Special Event Unforgettable with Professional Photography
November 7, 2016

How many special events have you held at your company? Did you hire a photographer to capture each event and keep it embedded in everyone’s memories? You might have just had everyone use their smartphones. While helpful, that doesn’t necessarily give your event the credibility it deserves. Check out the benefits of using a professional photographer for your next event: You Won’t Forget any Important Moments Sure, you might have someone...

7 Great Events for Corporate Photographs
October 10, 2016

What’s going to make you look great? Any photograph at your corporate event needs to capture the feelings in the moment perfectly. Take a look at some of the most common events you might have photographed, and the possible benefits of getting the perfect photo that highlights your event: Seminar/Conference Here, attendees go to learn. But, showing them learning in action puts the viewer of your photograph to sleep. So, you show a standing...

5 Types of Headshot Poses that Captivate Viewers
September 5, 2016

Have you ever come across a corporate headshot with kind of an awkward pose? You know the one where the person appears as though they may need to see a doctor for constipation issues. That’s not the type of corporate headshot you want (although sometimes they do happen). Instead, you want a pose that captures interest, which means your prospects are more likely to buy from you. Here’s some ideas for poses which make that happen: ...

3 Background Mistakes that Harm the Power of Your Headshot
August 8, 2016

Take a look at some headshots on LinkedIn, or even just do a Google search. Instead of quickly focusing on the person, see what’s going on in the background. So many photographers, and especially inexperienced ones, let background distractions happen. You don’t want them because they take attention off of you, and put it on something else. If you’re in business, you know how hard it is to get and keep attention from your target...

Why Choose an Independent Photographer for Your Next Headshot?
July 4, 2016

You know how business is: you always have more tough decisions to make than you have time to dedicate to making them. So, it’s easy to let that fear of making a bad decision get pretty big and overwhelming. However, you find a way to just let that stuff go and keep doing the next thing your business needs done. Finding the right person or company to do your next corporate headshot can be a daunting task. After all, that image could be on your...

Why is an Attractive Corporate Headshot Such a Big Deal to Have?
June 2, 2016

Have you ever browsed LinkedIn aimlessly for 30 minutes or an hour or so? Or maybe, in your normal course of usage, you see people with photos that clearly make no sense for a professional network. Maybe you saw the guy standing with his wife in front of a Christmas tree? Or, how about the one company owner in shorts and a T-shirt with his child in front of him? And what about that person with the photo that’s clearly out of the late 1980s or...

Corporate Photography for Busy Professionals Who Want More Business
March 31, 2016

How do your customers and contacts perceive your business? Before they even visit you, they already form an initial impression. And they do that based on a very limited number of interactions with you. So it’s important that you don’t skimp on any of those and fine-tune each for the best impression possible. For example, potential customers and contacts may see your picture on a flyer or newsletter. Or they’ll view it on your website. Up...

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